Nipple correction or nipple reduction or nipple reconstruction by Dr Karl Waked

Nipple correction & reconstruction

A small surgery with a big impact

Together with the areola, the nipple-areolar complex forms the center of the breast. It has both functional and aesthetic characteristics and can present itself in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. The aspect of a nipple is something very personal and requires an individualised approach. A deviation from the "normal aspect" of a nipple can cause aesthetic troubles, functional issues, or both. Several elegant techniques are available through which I can correct both a retracted or over-projecting nipple or even completely reconstruct a nipple. All kinds of nipple surgeries have a minimal downtime, but can significantly improve your quality of life and give a boost in self confidence.

The essentials

  • Corrective surgery of the nipple can involve releasing a retracted nipple, reducing an over-projecting nipple, or reconstructing a nipple.

  • A retracted nipple is treated by releasing the contracting bands and improving the support.

  • An over-projecting nipple can be made smaller, less projecting, or both.

  • A nipple reconstruction is performed using the skin and tissue from your breast. An innovative design gives you both the shape and projection of a real nipple.

  • Solitary nipple surgery can be performed under local anaesthesia with minimal downtime.

How to treat a retracted or inverted nipple ?

If your nipple has almost no projection, lies flat with the surrounding skin or even falls inwards, then you may have a retracted or inverted nipple. This can occur in one or both breasts. The evolution of an inverted nipple is very important.

  • When you are born with this or experienced a gradual retraction of the nipple, then this is a completely harmless condition. The retraction is then caused by an anatomical variation in which internal strands of tissue pull the nipple inwards.

  • One or both nipples may also become retracted after breast feeding. Breast feeding may cause scarring of the milk ducts, which in turn may pull the nipple inwards.

  • An infection under your areola or nipple may cause fibrosis and subsequent nipple retraction.

  • If you experience a sudden retraction of a nipple, this may be a sign of breast cancer. Whenever you notice a sudden nipple retraction with or without redness of the breast, I advise you to visit your gynaecologist for further investigation.

Whenever the retraction is caused by internal scarring, fibrosis or due to an anatomical variation, correction can be performed to partially or fully correct the retraction. My goal during surgery is to release the nipple from any contracting bands to free it up, followed by giving more support to the nipple so that it won't retract again. This support can be given through specific suturing techniques, or by using a supporting material, such as a piece of dermis skin, your own fat, or hyaluronic acid. This is case by case dependent and I will explain that to you in more detail during the consultation. The complete surgery is performed through a small incision at the edge of the nipple. I challenge you to find the scar a few weeks after the procedure. You won't even see it !

I apply a very patient-tailored approach for this type of surgery. During the consultation, I will explain to you the procedure in more detail, with pictures and photographs, as well as which scars to expect and the post-operative care that will be needed. You can expect minimal downtime, with light dressings.

How to treat an over-projecting nipple ?

Some women may find that their nipples are too large or too much projecting. This is a completely harmless condition that just occurs with some women and not with others. Again, this is completely patient-dependent. In case that you find that your nipples are over-projecting, I can offer a fairly straight-forward solution to make them either smaller, less projecting, or both. The scar is limited to the nipple itself and barely visible after a few weeks. The pre-operative design is completely dependent on your shape and size of the nipple, as well as the end result that you wish to obtain. So it's again a very patient-tailored approach.

During the consultation, I will explain to you the procedure in more detail, with pictures and photographs, as well as which scars to expect and the post-operative care that will be needed. You can expect minimal downtime, with light dressings.

How to perform a nipple reconstruction ?

When you have successfully beaten breast cancer and are enjoying your reconstructed breast, then a nipple reconstruction truly is "the cherry on the cake". It is not only aesthetically pleasing to restore the breast symmetry by giving you one or two new nipples, but I often hear from women that is has a big symbolical meaning as well. It symbolises the end of the journey, the final page of a life chapter, and the start of a new cancer-free life. It gives me a lot of joy to be able to be there with you, every step of the way. From the first consultation where we discuss the breast reconstruction to the last consultation after your nipple reconstruction. So this surgery, although less invasive and quicker than many other breast procedures, is one of my favourites to perform.  Moreover, because a reconstructed nipple is truly a piece of surgical art. I apply an innovative design, using only your own breast skin and tissue. A create a small tissue flap that I bend and fold to create a cylindrical shape. It is like a puzzle in which each piece falls perfectly into place. The final scars are very tactically placed to make them as invisible as possible. And the result always surprises the patient and brings a smile to their face. I do recommend getting the areola and nipple tattooed as well, to really mask the scars completely and get the perfect result. The tattoo is done at the officel.

During the consultation, I will explain to you the procedure in more detail, with pictures and photographs, as well as which scars to expect and the post-operative care that will be needed. You can expect minimal downtime, with light dressings.

Nipple reconstruction by Dr Karl Waked

A nipple reconstruction is performed using the skin and tissue from your breast. An innovative design gives you both the shape and projection of a real nipple.

Local anaesthesia

Outpatient setting

Minimal to no pain

24 hours recovery time

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