Eyelid correction or blepharoplasty by Dr Karl Waked for facial aesthetics and rejuvenation

Eyelid correction

Let your eyes shine

Your eyes have a tremendous capability of expressing emotions and feelings, without ever saying a word. We often can read people's minds by looking into their eyes. Happiness, excitement, joy, hope, love... but sometimes also fear or sadness. The aesthetics of the eyelids play an important role in the overall facial appearance, but they can sometimes strike with your real emotions. Heavy or droopy eyelids, dark circles, puffiness, or bags under the eyes may give the impression that you are feeling tired or sad, while you are actually living your best life. These common signs of ageing can distract from your overall appearance . A rejuvenating surgery of the upper and/or lower eyelids (a so called "blepharoplasty") can truly brighten up your face. This straight forward surgery with minimal downtime can give you back that energetic, joyful, and positive self-image.

The essentials

  • An eyelid correction or blepharoplasty is a procedure to restore a younger, fresher look of the complete eye frame.

  • It is the best option to restore heavy or droopy eyelids, puffy eyelids or loose skin around the eyes.

  • An upper eyelid correction gives you an improved vision, less tired look, and less heavy eyelids

  • A lower eyelid correction gives you improvement of under eye bags, smoothening of the groove, removal of excess skin, and fuller cheekbones

  • The incisions are barely visible after the healing period. When performed well, nobody will ever notice the scar.

  • An upper blepharoplasty can easily be combined with a brow lift for a more impressive rejuvenation of the eyes.

  • An upper blepharoplasty can be performed under local anaesthesia. A lower blepharoplasty can be performed under local or general anaesthesia.

  • Limited downtime and easy wound care.

What is a blepharoplasty ?

The main goal of a blepharoplasty is to restore the fresh and youthful appearance of your eyelids. With ageing, there is often volume loss around the eyes, increased skin laxity, and weakness of your eyelid muscle. This can result in heavy upper eyelids with overhanging skin and hollow under eyelids with loose skin or bags, due to fat bulging against a weakened muscle. In extreme cases, the excess skin of the upper eyelids can even distort your vision. If that is the case, be sure to visit your ophthalmologist as well to perform a field of vision exam.

During surgery, I will remove the excess skin, tighten the muscle, remove any bulging fat and restore the volume loss with a bit of your own fat, if needed. An upper and lower blepharoplasty can be performed separate or together. The scar of an upper blepharoplasty will fall discretely in your upper eyelid crease, making it barely visible. A lower blepharoplasty can be performed without a visible scar or with a fine scar under the lash line, depending on the clinical investigation and the work that is needed. In most patients, I recommend combining an upper blepharoplasty with a lifting of the brow. No only will the combination of those two procedures result in a more impressive rejuvenation of your eyes, but the brow lift can be performed through the same incision and does not increase the downtime afterwards. During the consultation, I will explain to you each procedure in more detail, with pictures and photographs, as well as which scars to expect and the post-operative care that will be needed. You can expect a down time 1 week, with minimal dressings.

Upper eyelid correction or blepharoplasty by Dr Karl Waked for facial aesthetics and rejuvenation

Upper eyelid correction

Lower eyelid correction or blepharoplasty through transconjunctival approach by Dr Karl Waked for facial aesthetics and rejuvenation

Lower eyelid correction from inside the eyelid

Lower eyelid correction or blepharoplasty through open approach by Dr Karl Waked for facial aesthetics and rejuvenation

Lower eyelid correction with lash incision

What are the benefits of a blepharoplasty ?

A blepharoplasty has probably one of the highest satisfaction rates among all surgical procedures, thanks to its straight-forward approach, minimal downtime and amazing impact on a patient's self-image. The main benefits of a blepharoplasty are:

  • Restoration of a fresh, youthful eye expression

  • Removal of overhanging or folding skin with an overall tighter contour

  • Removal of under eyelid bags

  • Reduction of the heaviness and puffiness of the eyelids

  • Improvement of the hollowness of the ageing eye

  • Barely visible scars

  • Improved vision

  • Minimal downtime

  • Light, easy dressings

  • Very natural look

Are you a good candidate for a blepharoplasty ?

Almost anyone with signs of ageing of the upper and/or lower eyelids can really benefit from an eyelid correction. In my point of view, there is a clear indication for a blepharoplasty if you have one or more of the following complaints:

  • A tired look when you look at yourself in the mirror

  • Obstructed vision due to overhanging skin

  • Skin of the upper eyelid that touches or hangs over your eyelashes

  • The feeling of heavy eyelids, especially in the evening

  • Puffiness around the eyes

  • Bags under the eyes

  • A hollow appearance of your eyes

  • A visible groove under the eyes ("tear trough deformity")

If you recognise some of these signs and concerns, I recommend you to plan a consultation in order to see how we can improve your facial expression and bring a positive impact to your life. 

Local or general anaesthesia

One-day or outpatient setting

Minimal to no pain

1 week recovery time

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