Necklift by liposuction of surgical necklift or platysma raphie or LSD by Dr Karl Waked for neck aesthetics and rejuvenation


Stick your neck out

A youthful neck is known for its defined jawline, visible mandibular border, tight skin, and a smooth, almost straight transition between the lower part of the chin and the anterior neck (the so called "cervicomental angle"). With age, two major changes happen: the anterior part of the neck distends  and moves forward, while at the same time the skin and tissues below the chin sag down. This typically results in loose, wrinkly neck skin, reduced definition of the jawline, bulging fat, and visible platysmal bands. While a facelift may improve jawline definition, it will not really have a significant effect on a loose neck. Neck rejuvenation, though often combined with a facelift, can have a  huge beneficial effect by both tightening the loose tissues and restoring the features of a young, smooth neck.

The essentials

  • A necklift is a procedure to tighten loosened skin in the neck, improve the jawline definition and remove bulging or excess fat.

  • The concept of “neck rejuvenation” can involve liposuction only, skin tightening, a surgical necklift or a combination.

  • What treatment works best for you will depend on the clinical investigation, your wishes and expectations.

  • A surgical necklift is often combined with a facelift, as it can be performed through the same incision and does not increase the recovery period.

  • An inconspicuous incision behind the ear gives access to the structures beneath the skin that need to be lifted. This usually heals nicely.

  • Consider a downtime of 2 weeks with easy wound care. Avoid physical activity for 6 weeks.

  • Respect the recovery time well and you will profit from the transformation for the rest of your life.

What is involved in neck rejuvenation ?

Although a "necklift" is an important technique within the spectrum of neck rejuvenation, not all neck rejuvenations involve a typical, surgical necklift. The neck consists of several distinct tissues: skin, fat, muscles, ligaments, and a few "extra's" (such as glands, cartilage, arteries, and veins). A neck rejuvenation procedure can tackle both the ageing neck or improve the aesthetics of a young neck. It all depends on your wishes and what bothers you the most. For example, discrete platysmal bands in an otherwise fairly tight neck can be treated with a muscle relaxing agent. A young,  full neck, can be slimmed down through liposuction. Moderate loose skin can be tightened by a combination of liposuction and radio-frequency. And fine wrinkles can be smoothened out with a skin booster or dermal filler.

However, a true surgical necklift can transform an undefined, loose and aged neck and restore the smooth curves, enhance the jawline definition, mask the platysmal bands and sharpen the cervicomental angle. To achieve a natural and long-lasting result, a lot of work happens on the inside: the platysma muscle needs to be tightened up, excess fat needs to be suctioned or excised, and excess skin needs to be tailored precisely and redraped over the supporting structures. All this can be achieved through an incision behind the ear and inside the posterior hairline, or as a prolongation of the facelift incision behind the ear. As both a facelift and necklift basically transit in each other, they are often combined to strive for a young, fresh and natural facial and neck rejuvenation. In some cases, a small extra incision needs to be made right below the chin to get access to the bulging fat under your platysma muscle. During the consultation, I will explain to you the procedure in more detail, with pictures and photographs, as well as which scars to expect and the post-operative care that will be needed. You can expect a down time of 2 weeks, with light dressings.

With age, the neck can show loose, wrinkly neck skin, reduced definition of the jawline, bulging fat, and visible platysmal bands.

With age, the neck can show loose, wrinkly neck skin, reduced definition of the jawline, bulging fat, and visible platysmal bands.

Necklift by liposuction of surgical necklift or platysma raphie or LSD by Dr Karl Waked for neck aesthetics and rejuvenation

A surgical neck lift can restore the smooth neck contour and jawline definition in a natural way.

What are the benefits of a necklift ?

Although a necklift can be performed alone, it is often combined with a facelift. Simply because one surgical field transits into the other and the incision needs only to be prolonged a little bit to get access to the neck. If a surgical necklift is a good indication (more on that below), you can expect the following benefits of adding this to your facelift procedure:

  • Restoration of a tighter, more defined neck, while still maintaining a natural result

  • Removal of the hanging platysma bands

  • Increased definition of the jawline

  • Tightened skin with less folds and wrinkles

  • Smoother contours with a sharpened cervicomental angle

  • Barely visible scars

  • Light, easy dressings

  • Very natural look

Are you a good candidate for a necklift ?

As mentioned before, a necklift is not indicated in every patient and not every patient requires a surgical necklift. There are several possibilities of neck rejuvenation procedures, depending on the patient’s wishes and the clinical investigation. A true surgical necklift is a good option in case of:

  • Loose neck skin with no definition of the neck

  • Visible and disturbing platysma bands

  • Bulging fat under the platysma muscle, giving the impression of a "double chin"

  • No visible smooth transition between the underside of the chin and the anterior neck

During the consultation, we will do a thorough analysis of your neck and face together. You need to point out the areas that disturb you and I will explain to you how we can improve them. In case that a surgical necklift is the best option, I will explain to you why that is. If I would be of the opinion that another (less invasive) treatment may be better at a particular stage, I will also explain to you why and what the options are. You can always expect a clear level of communication where I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of every possible treatment.

If you recognise some of these signs and concerns, I recommend you to plan a consultation in order to see how we can improve your overall facial aesthetics and bring a positive impact to your life. 

General anaesthesia

Overnight stay

Minimal to no pain

2 weeks recovery time

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