Browlift by Dr Karl Waked for facial aesthetics and rejuvenation

Brow lift

Express yourself

Your brows are involved in every major facial expression, both consciously and unconsciously. They usually follow the movements of your forehead muscles to express different emotions, such as excitement, surprise, happiness, sadness or anger. With ageing, the brows tend to sag down. This can happen over the full length of the brow or only the outer part (the tail). Droopy eyebrows can make you look tired, angry or worrisome, even though you do not experience any of those moods. But simply the shape and position of your eyebrows can totally change your facial appearance. For the better or the worse. With a brow lift, I aim to restore a youthful, natural brow and remove the tired look, once and for all.

The essentials

  • A brow lift is a procedure to lift up a the brow and place it in a more natural, higher, and younger position.

  • It is an ideal procedure if you suffer from a tired or angry look due to sagged down or heavy brows.

  • A brow lift is often combined with other surgeries in the face for a complete fresh look

  • When combined with an eyelid correction, the same incision can be used for a brow lift. Another elegant alternative is an incision in the hairline.

  • After a brow lift, you can enjoy a fresher and youthful expression with improved vision and less weight on your eyes.

  • A brow lift can be done under local anaesthesia.

  • Limited downtime and easy wound care.

What is a brow lift ?

With ageing, the brow tends to sag down over (and sometimes below) the orbital rim (the bony ridge of your eye socket). This is due to several anatomical changes, including loss of volume and support of the brow, as well as distention and weakness of the supporting structures and ligaments. Either your complete brow sits lower than it used to be or the outer part (tail of the brow) is much lower than in your younger years. To restore a youthful brow and improve your overall facial expression, we can treat this in several ways. The main goal is to re-anker the brow in a correct position, while enforcing the supporting structures underneath and (if necessary) remove any redundant skin. Depending on the clinical investigation, I will offer you one or more surgical options. Surgical access can be gained through different ways: an incision in the hairline, an incision right on the edge of the brow (only in men) or through the same incision as an upper eyelid correction. The best choice will depend on the clinical investigation and the result you wish to achieve.  During the consultation, I will explain to you each technique in more detail, with pictures and photographs, as well as which scars to expect and the post-operative care that will be needed. You can expect a down time of 1 week, with minimal dressings.

Browlift through browpexy by Dr Karl Waked for facial aesthetics and rejuvenation

Brow lift through eyelid incision

Browlift through Fogli technique by Dr Karl Waked for facial aesthetics and rejuvenation

Brow lift through hairline incision

Browlift through direct brow lift by Dr Karl Waked for facial aesthetics and rejuvenation

Brow lift through direct incision

What are the benefits of a brow lift ?

Often combined with a blepharoplasty, a brow lift has a very high satisfaction rate among patients. Not only will it help to get rid of the tired or angry look you are showing, but a droopy brow can also disturb your vision in certain cases. The main benefits of a brow lift are:

  • You regain a fresh, youthful expression

  • You reverse the angry, tired and worrisome look

  • Restoration of a youthful brow in a higher, more natural position

  • Improved vision by lifting the brow and relieving pressure off of the upper eyelids

  • Improved field of vision by being able to open the eyes without restrictions

  • Barely visible scars

  • Easily combined with an eyelid correction

  • Minimal downtime

  • Light, easy dressings

  • Very natural look

Are you a good candidate for a brow lift ?

Almost anyone with some degree of droopy or heavy eyebrows can really benefit from a brow lift. In my point of view, there is a clear indication for a brow lift if you have one or more of the following complaints:

  • A tired, angry or worrisome look when you look at yourself in the mirror

  • Obstructed vision due to heaviness of the brow

  • Your brow hangs over or even under your orbital rim

  • The feeling of heavy eyelids, especially in the evening

  • You are planned for a blepharoplasty or facelift, and want to rejuvenate the brows as well

If you recognise some of these signs and concerns, I recommend you to plan a consultation in order to see how we can improve your facial expression and bring a positive impact to your life. 

Local or general anaesthesia

One-day or outpatient setting

Minimal to no pain

1 week recovery time

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