The importance of tissue based planning in breast augmentation surgery
Breast augmentation surgery is an extremely rewarding procedure, both for the patient and the surgeon. As a patient, you get the benefits of an enhanced breast shape, size and projection, improved breast symmetry and aesthetically pleasing cleavage or inner breast volume. As a surgeon, this procedure challenges me to deliver state-of-the-art results, while maintaining a natural balance between the increased breast volume and your chest wall.
Tissue based planning for state-of-the-art breast augmentation
Finding the balance between what you want and what your breasts can have ensures optimal quality and surgical outcome
In order to meet your expectations, but at the same time ensure a long-lasting, and balanced result, the concept of tissue based planning is extremely important in breast augmentation surgery. Freely translated, it is up to you and me to find common ground between what you want and what your breasts can have.
Let me explain.
Every consultation begins with exploring your “why”, as well as understanding your wishes and expectations. After all, the goal of aesthetic plastic surgery is to improve your level of body satisfaction and self-confidence.
However, in every surgery, we must also take into account the anatomical relationships of the operated area, in this case your breasts and chest wall. When planning a breast augmentation, several factors need to be taken into account:
The current breast volume, the amount of breast gland and fatty tissue and the ratio between both
The breast cone: the current breast shape, nipple position, breast projection, and proportions between upper and lower pole
The breast envelope: the amount, the quality and elasticity of the skin
The breast footprint: the position of your breast in relation to your chest
The position and definition of the infra-mammary fold
The breast width, the width of your chest wall and the ratio between both
Respect the anatomy, analyse the breasts
Great surgical results can only be achieved by respecting the anatomy, considering the breast measurements and respecting the proportions between breast and chest wall
During the clinical investigation, I will analyse every aspect that I just mentioned. I need this information to make a solid decision with regards to:
Which implant shape is most suited for your breasts ?
In which plane should the implant be placed ?
Which incision is needed to place the implants ?
Which implant volume is appropriate for your breasts ?
In most cases, a patient will visit my consultation with a clear idea of which implant volume she wants and which implant shape she prefers. I take enough time to explore your expectations and understand your main concerns. It is then up to me, the surgeon, to make a thorough analysis of all aspects of your breasts and decide if your desired implant shape and volume are a correct fit for your breasts. We go over several possibilities with regards to implant shape, projection, and volume. We plan 1 or 2 try-out sessions where you can try different implants and simulate the results. Here, the choice of selection is guided by the measurements I take.
The choice of breast implant is a mutual decision
Choosing the right breast implants requires good breast analysis and a thorough understanding between patient and surgeon
If our opinions match, great! we can then go further into detail on the procedure and post-operative considerations. If your expectations are less realistic, I will explain to you in detail why going for a different kind of implant will give you better and more stable results on the long term. When the expectations don’t match, it is usually because the patient hopes for a much bigger implant than was her breasts can have. However, this usually leads to more complications on the long run, such as bottoming out, overstretched lower pole, thinning of the skin and implant malpositioning, with an unpleasant aesthetic outcome.
However, by respecting the principles of tissue based planning, choosing the correct implant for each breast, and performing meticulous surgery, we can achieve truly amazing results.
Read more about breast augmentation here.
If you are ready to discuss your breast implant surgery in more detail, don’t hesitate to book your consultation by going to my contact page.